Mary Ellen Talley

I have never been satisfied with my own pieces

See how rough and thick the saucers are

I see my script embellishes your jacket
gloves pants cap mask frosted gray hair
and hiking boots.

Be my guest
lay your clay bowls
beside mine
Set cups vases plates
on the soon hot shelf

Yours will be better–come step inside

Slide your fingers along the dry heat walls

is formed
of spinning clay

Claim the brash flash
blue glaze earthen cup

It will not crumble
for I remembered
to raise the
temperature slowly.

I bequeath this kiln to you
built brick by brick

by brick hard thick

About the Author

Mary Ellen Talley’s poems have recently been published in Banshee, Beir Bua, The Plague Papers and Ekphrastic Review as well as in several anthologies. Her poems have received three Pushcart nominations and her chapbook, “Postcards from the Lilac City” was published by Finishing Line Press in 2020.