Eli Coyle
Two suns like art you rose again In the daylight of tangerines
Beneath the binaries of mandarins I brought you rocks and flowers
Each month ripe and heavy No matter how often
On the branch, irrefutably You wore the jackets I left
Painting your nails black The hours and minutes
In the early remains You were a thing too perfect
How you woke something inside Wanting to persist
Like those nameless ones As the bay of the sea
Who kept painting Continues outward
Landscapes, not caring When even the tides
If they made a world Want to taste
One could live in The light under new suns
About the Author
Eli Coyle received his MA in English from California State University-Chico and is currently a MFA candidate at the University of Nevada-Reno. His poetry has recently been published or is forthcoming in: Barely South Review, California Quarterly, New York Quarterly, Connecticut River Review, Caustic Frolic, The South Carolina Review, Sutterville Review, Camas, Welter Journal, and Deep Wild Journal among others.