If When

Jeanne Morel and Anthony Warnke

May their memory
be a blessing / their era-
sure revolution

you said you were sure you were
sure when I asked if you’re

a tad uneasy
orange skies w/ out sunset
as concept, in fact

I rhyme hunger with numbers
subtract the absurdity

If when then how long
what adds up won’t quite add up
faces the future

I tally nothing left as
fish gulp for air tally up

what’s next to speak soft
one might ask or run rampant
run roughshod run off

remainders on a napkin
skipping through the daily news

About the Author

Jeanne Morel is the author of three chapbooks, “I See My Way to Some Partial Results,” Jackpot,” and “That Crossing Is Not Automatic.” She has an MFA from Pacific University and has been nominated for a Pushcart in both poetry and fiction. She lives in Seattle where she teaches writing and is a gallery guide at the Frye Art Museum.

Anthony Warnke’s poetry has appeared in Cimarron Review, North American Review, Salt Hill, Sentence, Sixth Finch, and Sugar House Review, among other journals. His chapbook “Super Worth It” was released by Newfound Press. He earned his Master’s degree in English from Western Washington University and his MFA program in Creative Writing at the University of Washington, Seattle. He teaches writing at Green River College and lives in Seattle.


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