RC deWinter

I had my
toenails painted blue
just because
I could – and
why not? May as well match them
to the rest of me.

All these blues
in different shades –
robin’s egg
to midnight,
sky blue to cerulean,
heaven to the sea,
which is my
heaven, the place I
want to be
when it ends –
all the hoping, the wanting,
the thrusting for place.

So bring me
to the water, a
boxful of
ash; scatter
me broadcast over blue waves
indifferent to
a few more
ounces of grit no
longer blue,
reduced to
the gray of finality,
sinking, sinking, done.

RC deWinter’s poetry is widely anthologized, notably in New York City Haiku (NY Times,  2/2017) Connecticut Shakespeare Festival Anthology (River Bend Bookshop Press, 12/2021), Now We Heal: An Anthology of Hope, (Wellworth Publishing, 12/2020) easing the edges:  a collection of everyday miracles (Patrick Heath Public Library, 11/2021) New Contexts: 3 (Coverstory Books, April 2022) In print: 2River, Event Magazine, Gargoyle Magazine, Meat For Tea: The Valley Review, the minnesota review, Night Picnic Journal, Plainsongs, Prairie Schooner, Ogham Stone, Southword, The Frogmore Papers, Variant Literature, Yellow Arrow Journal, The York Literary Review among others and appears in numerous online literary journals.

Twitter: RCdeWinter