Donna J. Gelagotis Lee
Feeble dogs are licking my name
in the dirt. They are taking on
personas. I feel a bark rising
in my throat. I sense a pack / pact
mentality. I want to stalk and
circle, cower, and whimper. I want
to chase and pull with my teeth.
I want to lick myself, smell my own
cleanliness, smell others and tell of their
intentions. If I come up to you and nip,
will you kick / kiss me? Will you yell /
yelp? I feel my hairs matted down, my
tail / tale starting to wag. I don’t lag /
lack ambition, yet I’m like the stray dog
wandering the yard. People see me.
And some leave out scraps. I’m hungry,
so I feed. And then someone comes out
and wants to pet me. And I see the pack /
pact in the distance. I see the writing
in the dirt as I put my nose to the ground.
About the Author
Donna J. Gelagotis Lee is the author of Intersection on Neptune (The Poetry Press of Press Americana, 2019), winner of Prize Americana, and On the Altar of Greece (Gival Press, 2006), winner of the Gival Press Poetry Award and recipient of a 2007 Eric Hoffer Book Award: Notable for Art Category. Her poetry has appeared in journals internationally, includingThe Bitter Oleander, The Cortland Review, Feminist Studies, The Massachusetts Review, and Women’s Studies Quarterly. Website: